Since I don't have many comments on my past blogs, I hope no one will be too upset I am changing what my blog is about.
I will start writing about my experiences in my very own house, and wherever... it.. follows me. I've been through very many paranormal experiences and let me tell you, they are not FAKE. These things are too serious to lie about.
I'll give a brief overview of past events. I hear thumping and banging, and lots of footsteps. My parents hear it and call the dog, but she's laying right by their bed. They yell at me, but I'm in bed. I've caught some audio footage of the voices, and it seems to be a little girl entity and a man entity. The man feels like a monster-- a demon maybe.
I've caught on video my cat seemingly possessed by something: She's lying on my bed on her back with her arms and legs straight up, staring with her eyes wide open for about a straight five minutes.
Often my door will open and/or close itself- if it closes, it opens back up later. I've had my niece-in-law and best friend that as well. For my niece my door shook vigorously just moments after saying she didn't believe in the entity or spirit or whatever they are/it is. My other friend has heard footsteps and things have fallen over randomly next to him. A couple lamps have fallen over to directly hit the direction of my head- and hit my head once, hard.
Sometimes my windchime in my room will go off (my window is always shut and there are no fans by my room- my door is far from them, there's no way it's the wind causing any of this).
I woke up once to hands on my stomach and a voice whispering to me, and it said my name in a woman's voice. The male entity seems to just be watching me a lot. It/they follow(s) me on vacations to the condos I stay at as well. A woman who is impathic recently warned me to rid of my windchime because the noise irritates the spirits. Does anyone have any other advice for me at all? Any real advice is appreciated.
I'm writing all this to record it and see if anyone else may have any suggestions or anything to share with me, or similar stories. I'd also like to not forget these things so that I can compare them to what happens now, or in case I need/want to recall or recollect something I've forgotten. If I find any photos I won't post them, because if you believe me you will not need photos. If you don't believe me now, you never will until/unless you experience it yourself. I'm not selling or promoting this thing or trying to exploit it.
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